Composting Basics
August 11, 2024
Learn the science and magic of composting with Mark House of WESTAC

Whether you are a beginning backyard gardener, seeking to become more self-sufficient or just wanting to learn more about composting, this 2 hour course will provide you with the basics on the science and the magic of turning food and yard waste into black gold.
Topics include:
The science behind the process
How to build and maintain an efficient compost pile
Different options for sifting and containing a pile
Topics such as vermicomposting, making compost tea, differences between animal and plant based composts will also be discussed.
This course is valued at $100. All courses are pay-what-you can afford; we suggest a range of $25-$250.
Composting Basics
Worlds End School is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization
123 De Kay Dr, Esperance, NY | ︎
photos courtesy of Rinne Allen and Sarah Ryhanen