Farm-dinner-disco-camping party
July 27-July 28, 2024

Bring your camping gear, bring your appetite for some of the best farm food you’ve ever eaten, bring your friends, bring your kids, bring your optimism for a better future and of course bring your dancing shoes.

Saturday, July 27th

Arrive starting at 1pm
Set up camp and explore the farm (official farm tour at 5pm)
Dinner/bar 7-8:30pm
Dancing 8:30pm - late

Sunday, July 28th

Coffee & breakfast 7-11am
Departure by 4pm

Additional details on the farm, transportation, and what to expect on this page.


Chef: Laurie Ellen Pellicano

Tickets: $175

Tickets are donations to Worlds End School and are tax deductible.

Tickets include dinner, beer and wine, the ultimate disco dance party in the barn, one night of camping and breakfast the next day. 

Want to come but can’t afford the ticket? We have select tickets reserved – email

If you can't make it to the party but would like to support Worlds End School and offer a ticket for someone who can't afford the full fundraiser price, consider purchasing a sponsor ticket.

Worlds End School is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization
123 De Kay Dr, Esperance, NY 12066 | ︎
photos courtesy of Rinne Allen and Sarah Ryhanen